Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thing #2

The videos on Thing #2 were completely and utterly moving. I have seen the “Did you know” video before, yet I continued to re-watch it for the fifth time. It never loses my interest because the numbers are amazing. There are so many facts in the short minutes of that video that overwhelm an engaged mind. The last video that featured the 21st century learners brought tears to my eyes. So many of us are guilty of NOT engaging our students. We seek conduct marks, office referrals and other alternative sites when most of our students simply need their teacher to engage them. I do think a lot of the blame goes on teachers who do not engage the students. Of course there are going to be students who need the discipline, but it is amazing how during a truly engaging lesson discipline takes the back seat. I myself taught a lesson last Monday that bombed, in every class even though I tweaked it in each. At the end of the day I had to assess why I was frustrated and why the students were frustrated. I was honest with them on Tuesday when I redid the lesson in a way to give them more ownership. I had them go back in their notes and completely cross out what we did they day before. I explained that this was a learning experience, but today we would actually learn the curriculum. It was such a payoff at the end of the week when I actually thought about how much easier it was when I engaged them.

I have accepted the fact that I have to engage students, however I have sparingly done this with the use of technology. I myself need to learn more technology that I can share with my students. I know that if I give the students these tools to work with they will be motivated which leads to success. It is my responsibility as an educator of this 21st century to teach to the best of my abilities. My abilities in technology are currently lacking, so I signed up for this course. I have to get my students ready for what they will face in the world ahead of them. If I don’t, who else will?

Thing #1

Lifelong learning is probably one of the most critical things about teaching. In my two years of being in the education system, I have witnessed far too many teachers who burn out because they do not continue to learn. Teaching, like many other fields, is constantly changing. If a teacher wants to be successful, lifelong learning is a must.

I completely agree that lifelong learning is attitudinal because you can attend plenty of PFK's and online, self-paced trainings that can be a complete waste of time if you do not take the information back and use it.

The habit that I think will be hardest for me to employ during this adventure is the application part in my classroom. Like any other teacher, I like to stick with what is safe and what has worked before. I have to get away from just getting my feet wet and move straight to jumping right in. If I do not start using these ideas in my classroom, I will be no better than the training attender who sits passively.

The habit that will be easiest for me is finding a creative way to use my new learning in the classroom setting. I am an extremely creative and innovative person. I do realize the importance of technology in the classroom. I will never use the excuse, I don't know what to do with the new things I learn. I have to let this strength build on my weakness to step out of what is comfortable.

One of the most important habits will be using the different forms of technology that can duplicate myself as a teacher. I look forward to learning about technology to include in my classroom that will let students benefit in a small group situation with the technology version of their teacher when it is not their small group turn.

I know there are strengths, weaknesses and important learnings that I will be acclimated to as this course goes on. I hope to find more things to become excited about.